Friday, November 14, 2008

My funny funny little man!!!

So tonight my mom kept the kids while Brad and I went out for our anniversary. When we got home Brad went immediately to check on Caleb, who was sleeping. Brad came out of Caleb's room and said "Pam did you let Caleb sleep naked" mom and I both were like "what". we went into Calebs room and sure enough he was completely naked, laying side ways in bed with his butt in the air and no blanket over him. Crazy, he is so cute I could just eat him up. So...I have pictures BUTT I am going to spare him the embarrassment and not post them...I will save those for when he has a girlfriend.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today we had playgroup at the pumpkin farm. It was great, we were the only people there, and the weather was awesome. We took all the kids on a hay ride and had a picnic lunch by a little creek. The kids had a great time and played so well together. Caleb loves this group of kids, we pray for each of them almost everyday.
This is the only picture he would smile for!!

The whole gang!
From left to right: Lydia, Ruth, Avery, Shannnon, AJ, Elliot, Amelia, Caleb and Sydney

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm a Big Boy Now!!

Caleb got up this morning and got himself dressed for the day. Didn't he do a great job!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!

So I don't have pictures of us voting but I do have a good story. Brad and I have been talking with Caleb about voting and presidents, and how important it is to vote. So today Brad took Caleb to vote and Caleb was very good as he waited in line with Brad. They get to the voting booth and Caleb was devastated to hear that he was not allowed to vote (we failed to mention that part) and even more upset when Brad was not allowed to let Caleb push the buttons on the screen. So after restraining himself from laying on the floor screaming( as many of you know he would do) Brad and Caleb finish voting and go to get a sticker. Caleb waits again, very patiently, gets to the woman who is handing out stickers only to have her look at him and say "I'm sorry little boy you can not have a sticker because you did not vote". Poor Caleb he was so confused, he wanted to vote but they would not let him and after all that he still did not get a sticker for being so good.