Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Adoption News!

I talked with the lawyer's assistant this morning and she told us that the birth father had been served with his notice of adoption papers. The great part is they found him on the first attempt to serve him, he was in jail. We were going to have to pay for every attempt to locate this man. God is so good. The birth father has 30 days from last friday to register with the state of Flordia. Please keep your prayers going for us as we travel down this new and exicting road and for our sweet baby Sophia.


Anonymous said...

We are soooo happy for you guys and you deserve nothing but the best. I can't wait to meet beautiful baby Sophia. I am sooo glad we got to talk today and I can't wait to talk to you again! I LOVE the pictures of Brad, he's so crazy!! And Caleb is growing up so fast!! But that's Austin's fault too, huh? JK!!! Talk to you soon, sweety!!

Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

I hate that I missed Amelia's party and opportunity to hang out with you guys! You need to come to dinner on a thursday night at my house...I want you to see the new place!