Hurricane Gustav brought a host of interesting activities this week for the Raffray Family. The biggest surprise was the unexpected evacuees from Louisiana. Early Sunday morning Brad's

Grandparents and Unlce Richie arrived here in Ga. We are very happy they choose to leave LA early and avoid a lot of the traffic and the storm. We still have not heard how their homes are but I am sure they are fine as the storm was not as bad as they thought it was going to be. Today, we had a cookout at Brad's parents house. We had a great time, including Caleb who found the cake that Stephanie made and hide. Yes, I turned my back and for a split second I was not sure what Caleb and Dalton were up to. But as you can see we found out when Caleb came out of the back bedroom with chocolate all over him and the carpet. He said he just had little bite. Somehow I don't believe him.
Brad and the kids went out to the pond after lunch to catch frogs. They were so cute, Caleb had a little net and was scooping everything out of the pond in hopes he would catch a frog. Dalton spent a lot of time carrying around the frog and tad pole in a large plastic jar. He was so proud of them and wanted to keep them. Alana, being our princess, was sure not to get to close to anything dirty. Actually she and I took a long nap on the couch together watching "scoliboo" or scooby do ( i like the way she says it).

Also today Caleb and Aunt Brandy picked Muscadine grapes in Stephanie's back yard. Granny

loves those grapes and on Sunday had a very large plat of nothing but muscadines. All though I don't have any pictures the kids also sang Karaoke on the porch and played Frisbee. We had a great Hurricane Party!!!!
hey!!! i am glad all is going well! i dont know your email address or i would!! i actually have something for you too! hey so give me your email address and i have to figure out how my address works... it is really confusing! i have some amazing pictures for you next time i blog! i love you and miss yuo guys so much
haha this just made me laugh!!
hope your doing well and the baby is soon on the way!
hope to see you soon :)
I wondered if Brad's family would join the others here in GA. Exciting news about Sophie- I can't WAIT TO MEET HER!!:) I'm praying for you guys and the weather. Exciting...but not in the way you want. Love you!
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