Today, at 12:51pm Sophia Virginia Raffray graced us with her presence. It was the most amazing experience I have ever had. To watch your child be born and to be such a part of it and yet to not have to go through all that pain. Our birth mother Laura is wonderful. Even thought she has a terrible drug addiction she truly wanted the opportunity to meet me, she really cared about who Sophia was going to. I got the opportunity to spend several hours with her before the birth. I really got to know who she is and what she wants for her children. Laura is terribly convicted about her addiction , yet it controls her. My heart longs for her know peace, that peace that passes all understanding. After spending time with her, labor really kicked in and after an epidural things got going fast. Laura allowed me to be in the room and even allowed Brad and Caleb to listen from a private waiting room. When Sophia was born Laura only pushed 3 times and then they lifted her and placed her on Laura's tummy. Laura just cried and of course so did I. Then Laura allowed me to cut the cord. That was so special, Laura's family was there with her and she could have easily allowed them to be apart. Laura told every that I was the mother, she was just the carrier. I got to nurse Sophie right away and I think she must have gotten colostrum because she latched on great and after 40 minutes!!!....she never fussed or anything . She weighed 5lbs and 11oz and was 18.75 inches long. Brad and Caleb came into the delivery room after they cleaned Laura up. I heard Caleb say " Is that my baby"...he was totally blown away. Brad just smiled and I think he was in love from the beginning. Sophie has recovered from her birth well and is just wonderful...she is with me is a separate room fro Laura. Tomorrow we will finalize the adoption and Sophia will be ours. Thanks you for all your love and support...yall are going to just love her.

Sucking her hand

Daddy and his girl

Brad falling in love

She weighed 5'11oz

Laura's sister Tonya is showing Caleb his new baby....Tonya was amazing

Our first Family picture

Tonya's mom cut the rest of the umbilical cord
What a DARLING baby girl!! And what a gorgeous family the four of you make!! I love that Caleb is so excited about his new sister; he has his birthday present two days early!
awww erin she is beautiful!!!!! i am so excited! i wish i could be there to see her! i am so happy for you. tell her i love her!
Yay!! Congrats!! I'm so excited for you all! She's precious! Those are great pics! Who would have thought all this would have happened in less than 8 weeks!! It surely wasn't a surprise to God!
Glad to hear nursing is going well also!
She is so beautiful!!! I can't wait to meet her and to see Caleb with her.
so now i've gone an messed up my make-up!! who am I know I don't wear makeup..but if I was, it would be messed up. I'm so happy for your guess, and blessed by your desire to not only adopt child and rescue her (just think...that's what Jesus did for us?!?! wow!) But also to minister to her mom and be a light in her very dark world! I'm proud of you..and for you!
:) how EXCITING!!
she is so pretty!!!!!
see yall soon!
:) how EXCITING!!
she is so pretty!!!!!
see yall soon!
Erin, Brad, and Caleb,
Congratulations from the Ellis family! Sophie is just beautiful, and you all look so happy!
We will continue to pray for God's watchcare as you travel home.
We love you,
Jean, Steve, Jim
and Elizabeth and Patrick
Erin, Brad, Caleb and Sophie,I am so excited that this day has finally come. I wish that I could have been there to share it with you all. I love you so much. Please give baby Sophie kisses for me and tell her her Mimi loves her. Love to you all!! Mom
This message is for Caleb!!!
Happy 3rd Birthday!!!!!
I love you!!! Mimi
God is SO good!! I can't wait to see you all back here safe and sound. Give Caleb a big hug from all us girls.
Praise Him! Wow... I'm almost speechless... almost! :)
Lydia is looking at the pictures waving... "hey Caleb, Hey Baby!"
We are ALL excited around here. Bennett is very intrigued about just going to pick up a baby. Hmmm... wonder what's going on in his head.
Erin, Brad and Caleb,
We are so happy for you all! Sophia is just beautiful. We are continuing to pray for you all.
Love, Jean and Steve Ellis
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